Amendments follow BVA concerns
Changes to the proposed new Royal Charter have been agreed by the RCVS Council.
The council has approved amendments following concerns by the BVA that some of the wording was "too broad".
A spokesman for the RCVS said: "The changes, which reflect responses to a consultation, give greater clarity on the role of the College in post-registration education and training, the provision of information services and the monitoring of developments in the profession."
All of the amendments relate to article five of the new charter. The BVA had raised concerns that the RCVS might intend to become a CPD provider. The council approved wording to clarify that this is not the case.
Legal advice is also being sought in relation to articles 21 to 25 of the draft charter which would allow the college to carry out financial transactions to set up and support bodies with similar aims to its own. The BVA sought clarification over the remit of these powers.
A final draft of the charter will be discussed by council at its June meeting, with a resolution being put before the AGM in July. The charter will then go before the Privy Council and could be in operation by next March.
The RCVS meanwhile is about to begin another two-month consultation, this time over the creation of a new fellowship.