Plants native to Ethiopia may prevent worm infestations
Claims that plants native to Ethiopia have strong anti-parasitic properties have been backed up by new research.
In Ethiopia, farmers and livestock keepers rely on the knowledge of traditional healers, practices and locally available plants to control both human and livestock parasite infections. However, lack of proof that these valuable methods work has hindered their widespread use, evaluation and validation.
In a project supervised by Scotland’s Rural College, student Ketema Tolossa was given the opportunity to undertake a PhD study on the anti-parasitic claims for two specific indigenous plants. The plants - Adenia sp. and Cissus ruspolii. - were collected by Ketema during field trips to Ethiopia’s remote Hamer and Sololo Districts.
Through a series of laboratory and animal-based trials, Ketema found that depending on the extract type and concentration used, plant extracts may completely prevent worm eggs from hatching. He was also able to demonstrate active compounds in these extracts. In initial animal trials, such extracts reduced worm burdens by around 60 per cent.
Experts say the findings could lead to benefits to Ethiopian farmers - who farm the country’s 24 million sheep and 19 million goats.
Prof Houdijk, who supervised the research, commented: “Livestock accounts for 40 per cent of Ethiopia’s agro-economy so our research has the potential to have a far reaching impact.
"Whilst further study is needed to verify the structure of the active compounds found, and to establish field efficacy in livestock, our research has validated traditional healers’ claims - that these plants do indeed have strong anti-parasitic properties.”
Image (C) International Livestock Research Institute/Stevie Mann