Telemedicine consultation summary results published
A summary report of the telemedicine consultation held by the RCVS has been published on the College’s website.
The consultation, which was held between 13 February and 24 March 2017, was designed to identify the potential risks associated with telemedicine and support the development of new professional standards.
The online survey of veterinary professionals received 1,230 responses while the public consultation received 229 responses. A number of organisations also submitted written replies.
“We would like to thank all those who took the time to respond to the consultation – although Council has not yet made any firm decisions, we felt it would be useful to share our research so far,” said Anthony Roberts, RCVS director of leadership and innovation.
“The use of telemedicine is growing rapidly in human healthcare and it is only right the RCVS assesses the opportunities it could bring to improve access to veterinary services.”
He added: “It is critical, however, that we understand the issues it presents ‘at the coal face’ and consider all the available evidence before making any changes to our Guidance.”
On 31 August, at a special meeting of Standards Committee, it was noted that the consultation revealed significant confusion around current supporting guidance to the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct. It was agreed that clarification as to what was permissible was required.
The Committee determined a key issue going forward was whether to change the Supporting Guidance to the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct regarding ‘under care’ to allow veterinary surgeons to prescribe POM-V medicines based on telemedicine alone.
Given the implications and the complex nature of the issues, Standards Committee presented a range of options for amending RCVS Guidance to RCVS Council on 2 November. It was agreed the Standards Committee would continue their review and present more details proposals to council regarding the future of telemedicine in clinical practice.