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BVNA partners with Zoetis to offer CPD
“We are delighted to collaborate with Zoetis on this new initiative” – Lyndsay Hughes.
The collaboration will include webinars and regional events.

The British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) has launched a new partnership with the animal health company Zoetis.

The partnership will see Zoetis sharing knowledge with BVNA members through webinars, regional CPD events, and the BVNA’s Veterinary Nursing Journal. Zoetis will also support and attend this year’s BVNA Congress.

The educational initiatives were developed after market research by Zoetis found that eight in 10 veterinary nurses were interested in CPD support on the subject of parasiticides.

Zoetis is the world’s largest producer of animal health medicines and vaccines, selling its products in more than 100 countries.

BVNA president Lyndsay Hughes said: “We are delighted to collaborate with Zoetis on this new initiative.

“This partnership fully aligns with our commitment to promote the vital work of veterinary nurses in upholding animal welfare, plus those in wider veterinary care roles.

“We look forward to working together to enhance our offering to BVNA members, across many of our educational activities as an association.”

Louise Longstaff, national veterinary manager (companion animal) at Zoetis, added: “Veterinary nurses, alongside veterinary care assistants, all play a key role in the ongoing health and welfare of clients’ pets and as the backbone of every practice, they are to be applauded for all that they do.

“We are delighted to be able to announce this new initiative so soon after Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month and are proudly looking forward to delivering to the extended needs of RVNs as a reflection of our recent market research.”

Image © BVNA

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Vetlife nominated for campaign award

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 Vetlife has been shortlisted for the Association of Charity Organisations (ACO) Campaign of the Year Award 2024.

The nomination recognises its campaigning to raise awareness of neurodiversity within the profession and produce resources for individuals and workplaces. Vetlife's campaign has included talks, lived experience blogs, and an awareness video.

Kirstie Pickles, Vetlife trustee and project lead, said: "I am thrilled and delighted that the Vetlife neurodiversity awareness campaign has been shortlisted for the ACO Campaign of the Year Award 2024"

The winner will be announced 12 September 2024. 

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News Shorts
Northern Ireland chief vet warns of bluetongue risk

Following the detection of bluetongue virus serotype 3 (BTV-3) in England, Northern Ireland's chief veterinary officer has urged farmers to remain vigilant and source animals responsibly.

Brian Dooher said: "This confirmation in England is a stark reminder of the threat bluetongue presents to Northern Ireland.Whilst this finding in Norfolk is disappointing it is not unexpected giving the rising level of disease across several countries in Europe. Bluetongue does not affect human health or food safety, however an incursion to Northern Ireland would have a significant impact on livestock and the rural economy.

"I would like to remind all farmers of the importance of sourcing animals responsibly and ask that they maintain vigilance for signs of the disease reporting any suspicions to DAERA immediately."

Suspected cases of BTV-3 in Northern Ireland should be reported to the DAERA Helpline on 0300 200 7840 or by contacting the local DAERA Direct Veterinary Office.