Cat Welfare Worries
The feline equivalent of Crufts and other international cat shows have drawn attention to the problems being caused by inbreeding cat.
One significant example is the Persian breed. A recent report from the University of Leipzig in Germany has found that because of their breeding, many Persian cats have developed obstructed tear ducts and airways, which can cause breathing difficulties. As well as this, distorted skulls have lead to misshapen jaws, teeth and eyes.
The Telegraph has recently reported that the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the feline association similar to the Kennel Club, is currently preparing new guidelines on breeding policy, including banning breeding between siblings or between parents and their offspring.
Experts warn that there must be stricter breeding control for cats as at the moment many cats would not survive without veterinary help. There is growing fear that this problem could worsen without suitable intervention.