One of the family!
Previously it has been common for people to swim with the Californian sealion species but this is almost certainly the first time that this has ever been attempted in the UK with Patagonian sealions, due to their wilder nature.
It started with the keepers swimming with the sealions to clean the 24m long underwater tunnel through their enclosure and has slowly developed to a stage where keepers can now confidently swim and play with the two friendliest sealions, Winnipeg and Sydney.
Kate Broad, Head Sealion Keeper said "We had to ensure that the welfare of the animals was the top priority so we started this process very slowly but there is no doubt that this interaction has enriched the lives of our sealions both physically and mentally.’
Patagonian sea lions are agile swimmers and the males can reach weights of up to 2.5 metres in length and 340kg in weight. They have been persecuted in the past by the fur trade and are still affected by pollution and entrapment in fishing nets.