Dairy herd productivity breakthrough
Following the fifth European Mastitis Panel meeting, held last week in Bristol, experts have claimed that the control of mastitis-causing pathogens is key to improving dairy herd productivity.
15 experts from seven European countries attended the panel – including Chris Hudson of the University of Nottingham and Theo Lam, a professor at Utrect University. The participants took part in a two-day workshop which involved visits to typical regional farms and an exchange of expertise on the latest approaches to mastitis control throughout Europe.
The devised plan involves a structured, herd-level approach to mastitis control. This was initially tested using a randomised controlled trial on 52 UK herds showing there to be a significant benefit for udder health.
The plan has since been put in place on almost 1,000 UK dairy farms, and early indications are that "similar improvements have resulted," said Mr Hudson.