Welfare Day for trainee vets
The University of Nottingham is joining forces with the Association of Veterinary Students (AVS) to hold a Welfare Day, which aims to raise awareness of the support network in place for vet students throughout the five-year course.
Working alongside a range of charities, veterinary organisations and School staff, the Nottingham AVS Welfare Day will be held on Wednesday 24th October 2012.
Junior AVS Rep for Nottingham, William Bayton, explained: "Veterinary medicine can be a very stressful profession. The long-hours, busy schedule and difficult decisions can build up to really impact the individual, which is why stress and depression is so common among vets.
"The same can be said for vet students; sometimes it feels like your whole life is a combination of exams and lectures, which is why it is crucial that the students here are aware of the huge support network in place to get them through any issues.
"Veterinary medicine is a fantastic course, we get to do some amazing practicals and learn really interesting skills so it would be a great shame if this was impacted by feelings of stress or isolation. Hopefully, that is where the AVS can help."
The day is also supported by University staff. Student Support Officer Jane Ackling described Nottingham Vet School as "delighted to support" the AVS Welfare day.