Rare breed of piglets born in UK
A litter of Meishan, also known as Dumbo, piglets has been born in the UK - the first for over 30 years.
The rare piglets are the offspring of one of only three Meishans in the country and, when fully grown, will have very wrinkly faces and long black ears - hence the breed's nickname, Dumbo.
Meishans were imported into the UK from China more than three decades ago for research purposes and the breed has not been seen in the country again until last year.
In 2011, Linda McDonald Brown, public speaker and author of two pig books, was looking for a more unusual breed, not only to appeal to British smallholders and farmers, but also for families to keep as an outdoor pet.
When she and her husband came across the breed during a trip to the Netherlands, they brought two females and an unrelated boar back with them into the UK.
Meishans are known for being easy breeders and for having docile temperaments. In the USA and Canada they are often crossed with both commercial and traditional breeds to increase litter size and add succulence to meat.
The breed is known for having up to 25 piglets in a litter.